Get your Free copy of 2020's Greatest debate: Free vs Paid Virtual Events


The Great Debate:
Paid vs. Free
Virtual Events

It was the question on everyone’s mind. should we be
charging to attend virtual conferences, or should
participation be free?

Well we have an answer!
Our experts broke it down, duked it out and came back with this incredible guide to help organizers like YOU pick the right monetization strategy for your virtual events.

But it wasn’t just the experts! Participants at the debate helped craft some of the most important questions that you’ll find in this PlayBook. This was truly a collaborative effort.

Moderated by


Rachel Stephan

snöballer-in-chief, Snöball event influencer marketing

Strategic thinker, creative idea generator and an event industry speaker.


Dahlia El Gazzar

Idea Igniteur + Tech Therapist DAHLIA+Agency

My OMG-attitude about all things tech and audience engagement solutions benefits professionals that are in need to know.


Arianna Rehak

Founder & CEO Matchbox Virtual Media

Ari is unstoppable, everyday is an opportunity, every idea inspires her, every new conversation is music to her ears.


Nick Marzano

Vice President of Talent and Organizational Development at Society of Hospital Medicine

Leader with the mindset of an educator, facilitator, and lifelong learner.


Garth Jordan

CEO at the American Animal Hospital Association

Accomplished C-level executive with over 15 years of diverse leadership experience growing non-profit trade and professional associations through innovation, teamwork and digital transformation.