Referral Marketing Use Cases

Call for Speakers
Content creators get the word out!
- Attract more session submissions
- Generate interest
- Help shape the program
- Start event awareness ahead of registration

Attendee Promotion
Registrants get the word out!
- Generate FOMO pre-event
- Social proof your event
- Attract highly qualified attendees
- Reward your MVA (Most Valuable Advocate)

Exhibitor/Partner Outreach
Partners get the word out!
- Automate exhibitor outreach
- Generate promotional toolkits
- Track and reward exhibitors with the most referrals
- Curate user-generated videos

Speakers Promotion!
Speakers get the word out!
- Promote the event and their session
- Atomize content for amplified reach
- Personal video teaser invites
- Incentivize speaker with most referrals

On-Demand Lead Gen
Past speakers drive demand!
- Leverage content as a lead magnet
- Atomize content for amplified reach
- Acquire a new audience for your events
- Cross-promote upcoming events

Member Referral
Member get a member!
- Increase member renewal
- Attract highly qualified new members
- Reward your MVP (Most Valuable Promoter)

Awards Recognition
Nominees get the word out!
- Celebrate recognition
- Gain visibility and acknowledgement
- Bring along others to the ceremony

Content Amplification
Visitors share your content!
- Expand your content reach
- Drive more traffic to your website
- Generate more leads with content

Donation Drive
Donors get the word out!
- Promote advocacy and fundraising
- Increase fundraising reach and goal
- Create awareness around a cause
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