Forecast multiple Digital Marketing Activations

How cool is this?
Your people as new marketing channels!

Member Engagement

Drive your content to your members, through your members. Snӧball builds relationships with your existing member base and spurs organic conversation throughout your major social & digital communities.

It’s not rocket science:
Your content + your audience generate new subscribers leads

Your content is not meant to sit on your site and wait to be discovered. Snӧball amplifies your blogs, eBooks, reports, webinars, and other resources through an untapped distribution channel: your own people. It’s not so much what you share but who shares it that generates the most engagement and conversions.

Free vs Paid Case study

Mobilize your speakers, attendees and partners as influencer and grow your event

Empower your event’s natural and organic influencers with fully personalized digital marketing toolkits that drive conversions and conversations. And we don’t mean just at registration! Run ongoing activations pre-event to create FOMO and provoke sign-ups. Oh wait — You can keep that ball rolling post-event. Do you have chills yet?

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If time and resources are impeding your growth,
it’s time for Snöball.

Our team has lived, loved, and breathed events for over 20 years,
so we know a thing or two about the biz.
We’re just cool like you.