Marketing your event as a community
From your Call for Speakers to your final session, your entire event experience brings a community together. If only for a few hours or a few days. Learn how Adam Parry's team effectively markets Event Tech Live events to the global events community. Bringing together innovators, agencies, and planners in an engaging format that creates massive FOMO for those who miss out.
Bring your questions and let’s workshop solutions for better event marketing together!
Who is Adam Parry?
Who is Adam?
Adam Parry is the co-founder and editor of the event industry’s global online magazine, www.eventindustrynews.com (EIN).
As an avid technology evangelist, Adam coupled his 10+ years’ experience in the event industry with his passion for the latest tech trends to co-create Event Tech Live. Adam is also the co-organiser of the Event Technology Awards, a world-renowned awards scheme showcasing the very best in event technology.
Who is Rachel?
Rachel Stephan is an event marketing strategist, startup founder, and PCMA Digital Event Strategist certification course expert. She has 19+ years in the events industry.
When event planners and association professionals need to get "more butts in seats and eyeballs on screens", they call Rachel.
What is Snöball?
Snöball mobilizes your event community to increase registrations. Speakers, sponsors, and attendees refer their peers to your event with personalized messaging provided by Snöball.
We’ve boosted event registrations for leading industry brands like Avaya, MPI, PayScale, PCMA, Tarsus, and many more!
We love helping event managers “put butts in seats, and eyeballs on screens”.